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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What kind of bird is this?

About to leave work for  home, I get a text from my husband with a picture of a bird on it, that said, "What's this?"  As soon as I see the picture a couple of things snap into focus.

...Reading an IN-BIRD (a listserv for birders in Indiana where bird sightings are often posted) titled "Lost bird" in which someone reported a Chukar in Goshen.

...I looked up Chukar in my bird books and online because I wasn't quite sure what it was.  Cliff notes: a Chukar is a game bird that somewhat resembles a chicken.. or the native bobwhite quail.  Originally from the Middle East, they are now found in various places around the globe.  They are used as hunting birds and sometimes escape from captivity.  There are actual wild populations of them in the Rocky Mountains, though I'd hesitate to call them "native" there.

...Realization that although this is most likely an escaped bird, it would still be kind of cool to see it.  I resolve to respond to the message on IN-BIRD to find out where this bird is... only to have my husband beat me to the punch!  Not only is the bird in my hometown, its in my neighborhood!  It quite possible has, or will in the future, visited my bird feeders even!

Ben and I went out after dinner and found the bird down the street, literally walking down the street.  We actually heard it from a ways off because I heard a call that I definitely didn't recognize!  He continued walking down the street and up someone's driveway.  It is not shy, reinforcing the escaped bird image.  Pretty funny looking.  Ben said he saw it running earlier and it is pretty amusing.

Well, I documented it in e-bird, which is an online data recording tool for birds (more about this later, I'm sure).  I also responded back to the woman who first posted it, and now here and Facebook.  That being said, if anyone wants to see it, feel free to stop by!


  1. Thought I should add that they were intentionally introduced as a game bird, although the population really only took off in the Rockies. I have my suspicions about where this bird originated...

  2. Cool bird! I love the "bandana" on his eyes.

  3. What a fun way to meet a neighbor!

    So have you seen him recently? I've heard a call from the woods across the street that I've wondered if it were him, but haven't seen him again.

    I have a friend that's into birding who would like to see him.

    Also...I'm curious about how you think he ended up in our neighborhood...hunters?

  4. It must have flown across the river..

  5. My husband saw him around 3 PM Wednesday at the front of the subdivision, on River Blvd (that's where I live btw). Walking around, we found him in the middle of the subdivision, at the intersection of River and Waterwood at 6:30ish. So yes, definitely still around!

  6. My thoughts on its origin is the place where I've seen all of the interesting species of deer. Its a farm off of Old CR 17, but you can often see them near the fence on CR 26, west of the new 17 overpass. Do you know where I mean? That is just a theory of mine!

  7. It is odd that in our county, Knox, we have a game farm. I have seen Chukar and pheasant in pens there but never loose. Too bad they are out and about. Quail have a diffcult enough time finding habitat without a bunch of introduced species even as pretty as they are.

  8. Enjoying your blog, saw it on the IN Bird list. I'm in Fort Wayne and that is the first thing I do when I get home as well! Lots of babies at the feeders now, crying and asking to be fed by their parents :)
