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Monday, June 13, 2011


So, I finally did it... I made a blog.  Now, I don't read very many blogs, so mine might not be "conventional."  But this is what you'll get from me.
1)  My experiences with birds.  What I see in my yard and birding in the area. My goal is to make you get inside my head - what I thought about when I saw a particular bird or how I ID'ed it.
2)  Identification of birds, primarily for beginners.  People often ask for tips in this department, so I thought I'd give some help with those wishing to learn.  I apologize if I appear condescending at points, I'm not honestly trying to be... I just want to help!
3)  Tips on how to draw birds into your backyard.  Backyard Habitat is one of my passions in life, particularly when we're talking birds... this will help if you want to see the type of stuff I do.
4)  I might also post occasional plugs for volunteer efforts I'm apart of.. feel free to join if you want!  If not, that's ok too!

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