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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sponsored Post: Hen Picked Dried Mealworms

Bringing you another sponsored post this week is Hen Picked Dried Mealworms.  I received these at a reduced price for my honest review.  Not for human consumption!  :-D

So, what are mealworms, you ask?  They are the larval stage of the mealworm beetle that are mass produced to provide a tasty treat for birds.  These particular ones are dried and shipped to your door.  Now, you could buy some live ones from a bait store or wild birds store (such as Wild Birds Unlimited)... sounds creepy and a little yucky.  Heck, you can even raise them yourself, which sounds even yuckier and I'm unwilling to go that far.  I like to feed the birds though, and birds do love these yummy treats, so I prefer the dried version.

Here is what they look like served on tray feeder along with some peanuts and seeds.  This is how I prefer to present them - and the birds love them too!

As you can see, I get a lot of takers eating the mealworms.. but I have yet to attract my favorite bluebirds!  I know that bluebirds love them and if they were still nesting in my bluebird box, I'm sure they'd stop by and check these out... but alas, they moved on after the house sparrows gave them a run for their money.

So my review?  I think these are nice and convenient.  There is very little waste - by which I mean broken worms/dried pieces left at bottom - which is great.  I love that I can have them delivered to my door when I need them.  I recommend them if you want to give your birds a little treat now and again - I'd recommend feeding during the nesting season (to help parents with "take out" food for their demanding nestlings and fledglings) as well as in the winter for an extra energy boost (high in protein!).

Check out my full review here:

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