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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sponsored Post: Solar Glass Mosaic Bird Feeder

I received a Solar Glass Mosaic Bird Feeder at a reduced price in order to share with you, my loyal readers, my review.  This is for my honest review, mind you, and I in all honesty cannot recommend this product to you as a bird feeder.  As an art piece, yes, but not as a bird feeder.

I have fed birds for a long time - and I have a wide variety of bird feeders and types of seed to do so. There are so many style on the market that one often wonders: is this one or that one right for me? I can tell you right now, as a bird feeder, I cannot recommend this product. 

1. It is hard to fill with seed. You literally have to take the top off, complete with the battery and light compartment, hook, and pole holding it all together, just to fill the bird feeder. My birds go through this in a day, easy. I like easy to fill feeders because of it.
2. The bottom tray does nothing more than hold waste/opened seeds and water. This creates a bad hygiene situation and a mess - no thanks.
3. The holes that the seed come out of are small - only a couple of seeds come out at a time. Ok for birds like nuthatches, titmice, chickadees, etc that will grab a seed and go, but not so good for other birds who like to sit and eat. I know there are feeders for all different species though, so this isn't as large of a concern.

Now, however, is the aesthetic angle. This thing is beautiful - I'll give you that. I might keep it around just for that. But it doesn't really light up much - the bulb inside of it is really tiny and doesn't effectively light up the entire feeder and definitely not bright enough to be considered a night light. It does provide a little focal point though, so it isn't completely without merit.

Here is the feeder set up and installed in my backyard.  It is beautiful even in broad day light, without the light.  As you can see, the Tufted Titmouse didn't mind picking some seeds out one bit!

This is what it looks like at night. Not very bright.  The light in the top part of the photo is a nearly full moon by comparison.  It more just gives off a glow than a light, in my opinion.  It's ok - but nothing to write home about.  

Here's another night shot, showing you in comparison to the lights on in my house.  Very dull and doesn't really highlight the colors.  I actually think it's prettier in the daylight!

Here is a picture showing how it opens up to fill the feeder up.  I can't imagine having to open this daily.  It is threaded on, which is a pain, plus you have to line up that little pole through the container hold the tiny light and battery, into the hook to hang the thing.  Phew!  And the whole time you don't want to accidentally drop it or bump it, because don't forget, it's made of glass!

This photo also does a better job of showing the pretty colors.  All of that was hand made - gotta love that! It really is beautiful just as art.  Which is probably how I'm going to leave it for now!

Bottomline: if you want a little pretty touch, this is beautiful art... just don't expect to use it as a bird feeder as well.

If you are interested in purchasing this item, check on the listing on Amazon:

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