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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Here's to a Big Year!

Well, it's been years since my last post.  That's crazy.  I don't even know if I have any followers still out there.

(cricket, cricket, cricket)

Well, ok, I'll just type to the invisible person, or the person who stumbles across my blog and wants to learn more about birds.  Or maybe my readers will return (I hope so!).

I'm back because my son has finally gotten to the age that I can take a breather and be my own person again.  I have done it a little bit, but being a mom is a full time job.  No, I didn't quit my job (well actually, I did change jobs, but that's another story), I just mean it takes up a lot of time if you want to do it right.  And I do want to do it right.  But now, I can have a little more time to myself (just a little), so I want to start writing again.

And there is one other reason.  I have decided to do a Big Year.  Ok, not like the movie Big Year, at least not exactly.  I just want to document all of the birds I see in a year.  Try to see new ones, but not go to crazy on it.  Many people sink tons of time and money into Big Years.  I just want to dedicate more time to birding.  In Indiana in particular, and in State Parks as much as I can.  I was inspired by the Indiana Bicentennial Celebration, which is this year.  The Indiana Audubon Society is trying to encourage people and so I'm going to take the bait.  I have to document all the birds I see (more about this later) and try to see as many as I can in 1 year (2016 to be exact).

Along with this, I'm committing to share my journey with you my loyal readers (or random person, I love you too).  Enjoy!